Spring has Sprung, finally!!

I am not a writer but I love to blog about gardening things. I am pretty sure you can work around my grammar and enjoy my blogging.

Geodome Morning

Geodome Morning

It has been quite some time since I posted last. Keeping busy with work and twitter I suppose.

Mornings in the dome are my favorite, the moisture slowly dripping from the surrounding walls back onto the plants with the sun rising and warming the room back up is just almost magical.

I feed the fish in the tank and watch them sprint around the floating plants on the surface. My dogs are running around outside, chasing the Easter bunnies and quail birds invading their yard.

Gardening does take a little time but that is why most of us like to garden, to pass some time and get some joy from tilling the soil, watching the plants grow, harvesting and surmounting some pest/weed control organically.

We have had some set backs this winter but so far, our efforts have been very rewarding. We harvested a bed of radishes, carrots and beets from this winter. The snap peas are going crazy and we are currently enjoying some broccoli and cauliflower. Our tomatoes are growing again after having lost all but one because of our door incident. The one surviving plant was maimed but has produced fruit. We are still waiting for them to ripen.

We have also germinated some flowers and herbs in the dome. Most of them are companion plants for our vegetables but we have started growing seedlings that we will put outside when frost finally leaves us (that can be mid June for us).

Our Feed the People project is coming along great. I thought we would have more cauliflower but with trial and error behind us, next year’s harvest of those will be better.

Well enjoy the spring and let us know if we can help you get started with your own veggie garden!

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Posted by on April 11, 2012 in Gardening


Winter Killed My Plants

I am not a writer but I love to blog about gardening things. I am pretty sure you can work around my grammar and enjoy my blogging.

Winter, snow and cold, typical garden criminals went and got their friends 70mph gusty winds and took the door off my dome. Snow blew in and covered most of the tomato plants in the center raised bed but the tomatoes were not comforted by that blanket. In fact, they died. Winter killed my plants….

Actually, I forgot to latch the door properly so it was all my fault. Domes are built to withstand such elements as winter, cold and winds. The door was repaired the next day, and I tried to salvage the plants but they were doomed. Nothing else in the dome was harmed except for some basil in a pot. Even with the door ripped off and winds blowing in, the dome stayed warmer inside than the outside by almost 15 degrees and that in itself is absolutely amazing. The water tank did it’s thing despite that setback.

My luscious plants in the middle of the dome are no more, however, half the fun is growing them so seeds are growing and soon there will be tomato plants where now there is none. Moral of the story, things happen… you can’t change the winds but you can adjust your sails ( I think that is the saying )

Pictures will be added soon.


Water Plants

I am not a writer but I love to blog about gardening things. I am pretty sure you can work around my grammar and enjoy my blogging.

The heart of a geodesic dome is the large water tank that acts as a thermal conductor. During the day it absorbs the heat and releases it into the night. Now that the technical reason is out, I skip over it quickly as my thoughts go towards putting fish and water plants in it to add to the whole geodesic dome ambiance.  I consider myself well versed as far as aquariums and the care of fresh water tanks and fish, however, this big 400 gallon thing is a challenge!

There is no way that I am going to invest serious money for filtration and whatnots for this tank! We purchased a bilge pump and hooked it up to our solar panel to run for some hours during the day to oxygenate our tank. I got a couple dozen little feeder goldfish to get the tank environment started. We also managed to have some type of filtration in the beginning in a make-shift water fall that used black lava rock and carbon filters. Finally, after the long wait, our water plants arrive!

Water Hyacinth pon plantsWater Plants

Thing is I thought this was going to be easy. Yes, placing the 4 little water hyacinth plants was a no-brainer however, the hardy lily I also purchased was interesting to say the least.

Did you know that milk crates float? And if the rock you put in there was not heavy enough, they move? Oh! and did you know that once you put that potted plant in the water, it gets very very muddy and you no longer can see the bottom? What was I thinking? I have my water lily in the tank at the height it is supposed to be but now my beautiful clear water is no longer. How in the world will my fish survive? Going to have to Google me some help with the next steps. I would prefer my water be less muddy. Stinking water plants!


Posted by on February 2, 2012 in Miscellaneous Stuff


What Gardening Does

I am not a writer but I love to blog about gardening things. I am pretty sure you can work around my grammar and enjoy my blogging.

I think one of the reasons people love gardens so much is that we have within all of us a primal love for nature. This desire is strong enough to compel us to create gardens, small outlets of nature, in the midst of all our hustle and bustle. Since being in nature is like regressing to an earlier stage of humanity, we too can regress to a time of comfort and utter happiness. This is why gardens are so relaxing and calming to be in. This is why gardens are a good place to meditate and do tai chi exercises. A garden is a way to quickly escape from the busy world.

A vegetable garden emotes the feeling of accomplishment and eating of the fruits of your labor. A floral garden emotes a relaxing peaceful zen with a sense of oneness with earth.

I love growing anything. It is life all around you, needing your tender care to make sure they make it in the world. Sure, nature has its way of doing it all on its own but gardening is the art of helping nature out while learning from it. I know I converted my husband to the love of gardening so you should try it yourself. Stress relief!


Posted by on January 23, 2012 in Gardening



Hooked myself up on Twitter and started what many have been doing for quite some time… TWEETING. Honestly, I did not know how it worked but I have met some like-minded people, hobby farmers and gardening enthusiasts from around the globe!

@Greensoil sells a natural ingredient to feed plants called Moo Poo Tea. I am thinking of getting a sample when my tax returns come though I do organic composting already, I am up for soil nutrient stuff.

@eveninggardener I have truly enjoyed reading his blogs and the recent one about GMO seeds. Who knew? Monsanto owns a whole bunch of seed companies, not just their GMO ones. I’m afraid to look at my seed packets to see…

@Suburban_Farmer A 2012 challenge for the #hobbyfarm chatting people is Feed People Project. I had already decided before the challenge that now with such a nice growing greenhouse dome, that I would donate a row to charity.

And then there are 118 now following us @geodesicD. I have interacted with many more that I haven’t mentioned for lack of time to talk about everyone and as if it was lost, I discovered the whole twitter chat thing. #gardenchat #hobbyfarm #seedchat etc. I do have a hard time following it all, it’s not a clean chat like in a regular chatroom but still I learn so much!

So the time I spend twittering has not been time wasted. My husband still isn’t sure what I am talking about but when I told him the other day that Ricki Lake twittered back at me, he said, “Does she like our dome?” Sadly, we weren’t tweeting about that.




Back up heater failure…

It is a sad morning to go to the greenhouse and find out the backup heater went out. 5am run meant to reset the circuit breaker and cover the tomatoes with blanket. My honey made a tent with small heater circulating warm air into the tent.

When I finally got around to going in the dome, I found that 1/2 the basil didn’t make it, my morning glory sproutlings died and damage on cucumber & zucchini leaves are visible.

I need to rethink our night time in the dome in case that happens again. I think that I will put a blanket on them at night in case that ever happens again. The outside temperature last night was 10degrees and the dome went down to 28degrees without the backup heater. I don’t know for how long but long enough to show the damage that winter and frost can do to a harvest.

It’s in these times I wish there was a forum with other people that garden year round in these conditions to see what they do. Hopefully I will find something like that but for now, I can only vent here.

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Posted by on January 9, 2012 in Gardening


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Horses Running Wild

So today, while doing dishes looking out my kitchen window… clop clop clop clop clop 3 wild horses come barreling down the street. Odd? I run outside to see what was going on as I recognized one of the horses belonging to a neighbor down the street. Some neighbors driving by stop their cars and to try to stop the stampede. The horses stop at the end of my street where my next door neighbor has a big corral and mozy onto his property. Adrenaline rushing, I rushed to their front door knocking and yelling you have wild horses in your yard and we need help!

They come out bewildered and as we step out from front porch. My neighbor says stop, don’t move! Of course I listened. He tells me they are right behind you. The three runaway horses were horsing around with his two horses that are in their pens.

They managed to calm 2 of them down and put a harness on them. Third one is bucking at me and skittish but decides to follow the two that are being walked to the corral. Took a while to calm the third one down. One neighbor had a bucket of feed and that is what it took to calm the horse down enough to put a harness and get him into the corral with the others.

Such power! I don’t have horses, just chickens. Not too scary to corral them into their coop.

That was the excitement of today. Crazy!!


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Milk Jugs Recycled for Gardening

I am not a writer in terms of the perfect sentences and grammar, however I am pretty sure you can comprehend my writing. Enjoy!

Milk Jugs can be recycled for many garden uses. I have used them in my garden in a number of ways. They have been wind barriers for my new plants and have been used as mini compost pails. I came across another great idea for them on the internet and would like to share with you my discovery. Like many households, I aim to keep my dollars in my pockets as much as possible so instead of investing $25 and up on mini greenhouse items at retail stores, use plastic milk jugs instead.

Here’s the link:

The following is the actual post by nj saunders:

Starting flowers and vegetables from seed is both a fun and economical way to garden. Buying seeds gives you an almost limitless amount of variety to choose from, and it’s much cheaper than purchasing already-started seedlings at the nursery or flower mart.

However, if you live in a northern region with frigid winters, cold late springs and a relatively short growing season (check the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map for your region’s zone ratings and guidelines), frozen soil and the danger of late frosts means you may not be able to plant certain seeds, like tomatoes or impatiens, directly into your garden. Most seed packet instructions will direct you to start those seeds inside some 8-12 weeks before planting outdoors. But 8-12 weeks is a not-insubstantial amount of time, and space can be an issue. In other words, where do you keep the seeds during that period?

The cost and variety of the seed starting supplies can be daunting as well. Should you go with a seed starter kit? Or individual trays, humidity domes, and peat pellets? Grow lights? There’s also the issue of what to do with the starter materials after the seedlings have been transplanted to the garden or containers. Do you have the space to store them for the next spring’s planting?

Fortunately, it doesn’t need to be this complicated, as these types of seeds actually don’t need to be started inside. All you need is a bag of potting soil, a small outdoor space, duct tape – and plastic milk jugs! Yes, milk jugs.

Incredibly, this method works whether you start the seeds in winter or spring. I first tried this in early March 2008 with a dozen different varieties of seeds, including tomatoes and lobelia. The seeds went through Zone 4a freeze and thaw extremes ranging from -12F (-24C) to 80F (27C) – and by late-April, everything had sprouted.

What You’ll Need:

Gallon-sized milk jugs, washed, rinsed, and air dried, with the lids removed

A heavy-duty knife or scissors

Potting soil

Flower or vegetable seeds


Duct tape

A bit of outside space (patio, deck, balcony), partially sunny and sheltered from wind


Using the knife or scissors, poke 4-5 drainage holes in the bottom of the milk jug, then cut the milk jug almost in half around the middle. Leave the handle intact.

Open the milk jug and fill the bottom half with potting soil, patting down constantly, until the soil is firm but not packed and comes to within 1/2-1/4 inch of the cut line.

Sprinkle the seeds over the soil and mix into the soil with your fingers. Add more soil to top it off, if needed, and water until the soil is soaked through.

Close the milk jug and, using duct tape, tape the two halves of the milk jug back together. Label the containers with a waterproof permanent maker and place outside in a partially sunny location. (Partially sunny, because too much hot spring sun might cook the seedlings.)

If the weather is significantly and unusually dry, add water as needed. Otherwise, you can let the natural snow or rain cycle provide the necessary moisture.

When the evening temperatures reach and then consistently stay above the freezing point, start periodically checking the milk jug greenhouses for sprouts.

As the weather becomes warmer and the sprouts grow into seedlings, cut additional “air holes” into the top of the milk jugs. When the seedlings are well established, remove the duct tape and fully open the greenhouses to the elements.

Transplant the seedlings into your garden or containers as recommended for your USDA Zone. Remove and discard the duct tape, rinse out the milk jugs, and either save for the next spring’s planting or recycle.

by nj saunders




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Posted by on January 7, 2012 in Green Info


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Cancer Research

A natural anti-aging, fat-burning compound has been found to kill breast-cancer and brain-tumour cells while sparing healthy ones – at least in cell cultures in the lab, according to new research by a team of Montreal and Saskatchewan scientists. – The Gazette

Here is the whole news piece:

MONTREAL – Is this the elusive magic bullet that cancer researchers have been searching for after all these years?

A natural anti-aging, fat-burning compound has been found to kill breast-cancer and brain-tumour cells while sparing healthy ones – at least in cell cultures in the lab, according to new research by a team of Montreal and Saskatchewan scientists.

The compound, called lithocholic acid (LCA), is naturally produced in the liver for digestion, helping to turn fat into energy. But scientists have found that LCA also possesses potential life-extending properties.

Vladimir Titorenko, the research chair in genomics, cell biology and aging at Concordia University, had already proved in a previous study that LCA can extend the lifespan of aging yeast.

Titorenko and his colleagues then turned their attention to human cell cultures that were treated with LCA. To their surprise, LCA spared healthy cells while triggering apoptosis – or cell death – in cancerous cells.

“This discovery is significant because LCA is a natural compound, and to my knowledge, the first natural compound which in cell cultures selectively kills cancer cells of three different types and doesn’t kill normal cells,” Titorenko told The Gazette.

The study, published in the journal Oncotarget, demonstrated that LCA kills cultured human breast cancer cells as well as neuroblastoma cell lines. Neuroblastoma is a cancer that forms in the nerve tissue, often striking in early childhood.

The researchers, including those from McGill University, the Jewish General Hospital and the University of Saskatchewan, were able to eradicate cultured rat glioma cells. A glioma is a type of malignant brain tumour.

The research is part of a new wave of so-called biological therapies that are based on much better understanding of genetics and cell biology than the older generation of severely toxic chemotherapy. In the case of LCA, its weapon is apoptosis, programmed cell death.

Apoptosis occurs all the time in the body: when aged cells are unable to perform their normal function they are programmed to die. Some observers have described this process as cell suicide. Apoptosis also can also arise when a cell is invaded by a virus. And finally, apoptosis can occur as a check against abnormal cell growth.

Since LCA is an anti-aging compound – making cells more resistant to apoptosis or cell death – one would surmise that it would extend the life of cancer cells. But the researchers observed the anti-aging effect only in normal, healthy cells and the exact opposite in cancer cells.

The researchers are now testing LCA in lab mice, and the preliminary results are positive. But Titorenko said that clinical trials are years away, noting that it’s one thing to cure cancer in a Petrie dish and quite another to do so in humans without causing serious side effects.

“There might be a beneficial effect for the entire organism, but at the same time we must be definitely very cautious,” he added. “We need to carry out additional studies.”



Geodome Greenhouse Construction

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Posted by on January 5, 2012 in VIDEOS

